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Arrival on Scene (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 4:18am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 4:20am

1,161 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: USS Kingfisher & IKS Mo'Qreh

The Kingfisher dropped out of warp to be met with a scene of pure devastation. The area was littered with debris from what was once the Starship Okinawa. Many of the larger fragments still burned or sparked, and many drifted silently in the cold abyss of space.

Kingfisher Bridge

"My god..." Kagami said as she stood from her chair. The debris on the screen was vast, there was no way that anyone had even the slightest chance of survival. A moment of silence fell upon the bridge as the crew stared at the debris field.

"I know this is probably a worthless endeavour... but scan for lifesigns. Also try to identify any weapon signatures," Kagami said.

Firax knew as the bridge security guard his job was to remain silent and be ready to defend the bridge crew, however in this case something was off. "Captain, I advise we remain cautious, bring the ship to red alert as we scan the area. This could be a ruse."

"I agree, captain, something feels off, I can't quite place it, call it a gut feeling," Scotty chimed in.

=A=Sickbay to Bridge,=A= Maki radioed in. =A=Any signs of survivors out there?=A=

"Stand down sickbay. It seems like we have no survivors to bring aboard. However..." she paused for a moment. "We might have some remains we will need to bring aboard and identify..." she added grimly.

=A=Damn...=A= Maki could be heard muttering. =A=Well, then, I guess we'll be preparing the morgue to receive bodies. Sickbay out.=A=

Firax spoke up again "Captain, allow me and two other security officers to claim the remains. We can use the manned maneuvering units and tag the remains with transponders. This will eliminate the need for the Kingfisher to lower her shields till absolutely necessary, plus the three of us on the spacewalk will hardly be detectable."

"Get ready, but remain on standby. Whoever did this could still be out there," Kagami replied to Firax. "I'm not sending anyone out until its safe to do so."

Firax acknowledge the order. "Aye sir." He then hit his combadge =/\=Petty Officer 1st Class Matsuda Kasumi and Petty Officer 3rd Class Ailis MacGilleChaluim meet me at airlock three. Prepare for possible spacewalk using manned maneurving units. Chief Petty Officer O'kreake report to bridge for security detail, all other security increase and widen the security patrols. =/\= With that Firax left the bridge and made his way to airlock three. He was not concerned as he knew Lieutenant Fer'ran would make any tactical changes required for security.


Vep Ka had the hair on her neck standing on end, turning her chair she spoke to the center chair.

"Commander, might this resembled the Wounded Prey scenario?" She mentioned. "A cry for help brought Star Fleet running. "Leaving the Kingfisher vulnerable as they run scans and let down guard to retrieved things. And our station less protected.

She thought.

"If we give appearance of a single ship taking bait might we have an advantage to pick our actions depending on what style trap this could be?"

Within the command well of M'oQreH's small bridge, Commander Tormek observed the various status reports from her crew alongside the tactical deduction from the Orion intelligence officer. The Klingon warship's large main viewscreen displayed a scene of destruction which had enveloped the Starfleet vessel, yet it was not an unfamiliar sight to him. Such was often the aftermath of battle, yet it was peculiar that there was seemingly no other debris from its opponent....which could only lead to the conclusion that this Federation starship had been ambushed and destroyed before it could inflict any serious damage against its adversary.

He stroked his goatee while his dark beady eyes narrowed. "Perhaps, Vep Ka... Your intuition is strong," he pondered before barking a new order. "Scan the debris field for weapons signatures! I want to know who or what destroyed this vessel." He then turned to his weapons master over his rear shoulder. "Vok'Ka, ready our weapons and prepare for battle...I have experienced this before, and we will lay in wait."

Vep Ka had her fingers delicately dance across the tie to Sensors, her eyes focusing on the focal displays. The nearest bit of hull plating was both tattered and scorched.

Focus being on the oxidation left from the fire quickly processed comparative to all known weapon radiations signature, the heat of the energy wave is distinct.

Eyes widened as she ran the details through spectrum analysis before turning quickly.

"I really suggest we Belay the weapons hot!" She exclaimed. "There are Klingon Disruptor oxidation on the hull. Going weapons Hot we would need to decloak and there is possibly a Klingon Vessel remaining. Typical Klingon Attack Pattern, decloak after gaining position then attack."

Vep Ka knew from Intel records and sometraining, this is an effective Surprise Maneuver favored by Klingons of questionable honor type tactics.

"Such tactics on civilian vessel would give an explanation as to why no return Fire. We may not be the only Silent Stalker, suggest we warn the Kingfisher by tight wave to give best chance of not giving our presence away."

Tormek's eyes widened. He inhaled a deep breath then clenched his half-gloved fists. "Klingons... From which house?! We have an active non-aggression pact with the Federation. This violation of our treaty could propel us into war!" The anger within the captain's voice was palpable, yet so was his concern.

His next command was to the conn, then to the newest officer to board his warship. "Reverse course at one-quarter impulse. Vok'Ka, standby all disruptors. Divert auxiliary power to short-range sensors." Tormek then looked back to his Orion colleague and gave her a curt nod to proceed. "Encrypt then transmit the following message: 'M'oQreH detects Klingon weapon signatures in Okinawa debris; altering tactical position to clear potential ambush; Kingfisher must prepare for imminent strike; End.'"

Vep Ka brought a cylinder from her boot, the data crystal had an additional little nasty logic bomb, anyone outside the recipient was in for a surprise. With manicured fingernails she encrypted the message and transmit it tight beam wavelength to the Kingfisher.

"Signal Transmitted." Vep Ka announced.

“Disruptors are ready and waiting; short-range sensors are powered, Commander,” Vok’Ka barked. He didn’t like the situation that was unfolding before him. It appeared as though another Klingon vessel had destroyed the Okinawa. Or was that just a ruse to blame the Klingons? Many KDF officers didn’t like to acknowledge that the Empire once sold the B’rel Bird of Prey to just about anyone who could turn over the credits. But their acknowledgment didn’t change the fact. And the Romulans weren’t keeping strict tabs on their ships these days…

To be continued...


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