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Arrival on Scene (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 4:18am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Lazarus Kord & Lieutenant Scotty Kayne & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant Vok'Ka & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 4:20am

1,397 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Blockade
Location: USS Kingfisher & IKS Mo'Qreh

Previously on Star Trek Frontier:

Vep Ka brought a cylinder from her boot, the data crystal had an additional little nasty logic bomb, anyone outside the recipient was in for a surprise. With manicured fingernails she encrypted the message and transmit it tight beam wavelength to the Kingfisher.

"Signal Transmitted." Vep Ka announced.

“Disruptors are ready and waiting; short-range sensors are powered, Commander,” Vok’Ka barked. He didn’t like the situation that was unfolding before him. It appeared as though another Klingon vessel had destroyed the Okinawa. Or was that just a ruse to blame the Klingons? Many KDF officers didn’t like to acknowledge that the Empire once sold the B’rel Bird of Prey to just about anyone who could turn over the credits. But their acknowledgment didn’t change the fact. And the Romulans weren’t keeping strict tabs on their ships these days…

And now the continuation...

Kingfisher Bridge

"Klingon disruptor?!" Kagami exclaimed in surprise. She stood up from her chair. "Can we confirm those readings?"

She got her answer fairly quickly as at that moment four Klingon ships decloaked. Two birds of prey accompanied by a pair of Vor'Cha attack cruisers. They immediately opened fire on the Kingfisher, their green disruptor bolts striking against the Intrepid Class's shields.

The Kingfisher shook from the sudden barrage. "Helm back us off, tactical open fire on those cruisers. Target their weapons array, full phasers. Now!" Kagami ordered.

Scotty's hands glid across the controls, "Backing us off, firing forward thrusters to get us some distance." He said

Down in Engineering, Lazarus was hard at work as the ship shook from attacks. His crew of Engineers, all onboarded from the Station, were experienced as they calmly proceeded through their tasks. He kept the power focused towards shields, thrust, and weapons.

Airlock Three

Petty Officer 1st Class Matsuda Kasumi and Petty Officer 3rd Class Ailis MacGilleChaluim were already half dressed for a spacewalk when Firax entered. As he reached for his suit the ship shook from weapons fire. The red alert klaxon went off. Firax looked at the two enlisted "Continue dressing out, the captain has not changed our orders." With that he began suiting up, the other two following Firax's example.


Commander Tormek witnessed the first strike against the Federation vessel through the large main viewscreen. It quickly became a chaotic scene consisting of two Klingon battlecruisers - Vor'cha-class - alongside two B'Rel-class Birds of Prey, very similar to M'oQreH - and it was explicitly marked by an abundant exchange of lime green disruptor fire and replying orange phaser bursts.

Tormek quickly stood from his chair then shouted to the tactical and conn stations, "Prepare to engage! Isolate that warship," he pointed on the screen to one of the flanking Birds of Prey, "and deliver us their aft quarter!" Starbase Frontier's first officer had long awaited this moment. The opportunity for true combat, glory and honor; those foundations upon which every Klingon warrior was ultimately built.

Vok’Ka snarled as he saw the other Klingon vessels appear on the tactical viewer. He spat a curse at the traitors and then carried out his orders.

“Come about to bearing 024, mark 30, Commander. Locking in firing solution now,” Vok’Ka relayed as he prepared all weapons for the upcoming strike.

Within the star-speckled cosmos, the cloaked warship M'oQreH quickly accelerated to combat impulse speed then came about to position itself on a strafing run against its designated target. The other Klingon warships appeared unaware of the Federation-affiliated Bird of Prey as they continued to fire upon the helpless Intrepid-class which could do little more than delay the inevitable. Their attack patterns were lazy and undisciplined; soft and dishonorable. And for that, they would be destroyed. "Hold for my command!" exclaimed Tormek, privately overseeing their attack maneuver while the thrill of combat once more energized him.

M'oQreH swung about, and its small and nimble spaceframe completed a tight tactical turn into the aft quarter of the Bird of Prey designated on its targeting scanners. "Target their warp reactor... So'Ha, baH!" The order to decloak then fire was given, and now it was up to the gunner to destroy their target.

In space, the green-hulled Bird of Prey materialized with a wavering shimmer then came into existence less than one kilometer from its adversary. Its wingtip disruptor cannons glowed green-hot while the forward torpedo launcher prepared to unleash a savage barrage.

Vok’Ka watched as the M'oQreH slid into a textbook perfect position for a kill shot. His fingers flew over the console, keying in the firing sequence. Before the M'oQreH had even decloaked completely, Vok’Ka completed the firing sequence.

Instantly, twin lurid green lances shot from the wingtips of the M'oQreH. These were followed, a second later, by a pair of torpedoes from the forward launcher. The disruptor bolts hammered the opponent’s shields, causing them to overload immediately. The torpedoes then slammed home on the hull. The first shot broke through the hull and the second hit the warp reactor, triggering an instant implosion.

The opposing Bird of Prey broke into several, jagged, briefly burning segments that spiraled out, away from each other. Vok’Ka bore his teeth, smiling at the violence inflicted on the enemy.

M'oQreH sped through the flaming debris field from its destroyed opponent and quickly cleared its position before a large matter/anti-matter shockwave erupted from the critically compromised warp reactor. A bright flare in the deep black of the cosmos punctuated their victory, yet it was soon accompanied by a barrage of enemy return fire which narrowly missed the small warship's hull.

"Evasive, pattern Tormek-One,," shouted the captain who had little time to savor the momentary victory. The battle was just commencing. "Maneuver behind the Kingfisher and use it as our shield... Prepare to re-attack!".

Vep Ka had to let the others play, her job as Intel ended with combat technically. Her using the sensors played into her job now. She is one of Information Gathering, the bits of remaining Bird of Prey might be of use?

Trace elements, power signatures or even... she focus mote on a tumbling bit of the wing assembly, mote on the crest, like the identity of the ship's of the Federation, designation numbers and name

Klingons were not as pretty, but a crest rounded is the same to her scans and knowledge. What house did the ship belong to tells volumes...

Vep Ka cursed and verified her evidence.

"That bird bears the crest of House Duras." She reported over the den of combat. "We fight the House of Duras Commander."

Tormek slowly stepped forward toward the large main viewscreen as the House roudel from a piece of broken wing debris came into view and was isolated. His lips peeled back into a scowl bearing the ultimate disdain for this legendary adversary within the Empire. "...Duras..." he hissed, his fists tightening so hard his knuckles cracked. "The most dishonorable lineage of traitors within the Empire! The petaQ who would betray even their own family for personal gain...and dishonor all of us in the process!"

The angered captain then turned from his position and swiftly returned back to his command station before barking a subsequent order to the Orion intelligence office. "Transmit a message to Kingfisher. Reveal what you have just discovered, at once!"

Vep Ka open a channel.

"Kingfisher , this is Vep Ka... " adding an image of the wing piece with house Duras upon it. "Be advised the attacking force has ships from the House Duras." She relay. "Be in guard for less than an Honorable fight." She warned. "There is a trail now to follow later."

Vep Ka targeted the piece of the wing to be retrieved after the battle. Even rounders had identifying materials, the craft of the emblems have slight distinctions that narrow what branch of the house and even in cases names of the ship and Commander.

With this simple piece she would know when the Bird was constructed and an Intel file to give details. One step closer to the name of this ... attacker and maybe known associates to track down?

To be continued...


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