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Meet & Greet (Part 3)

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 9:54am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D. & Hatsune Izumi & Madison Fletcher & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano & Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Ichika Nakano & Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano & Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano & William Fletcher
Edited on on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 10:00am

1,057 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Main Crew Lounge
Timeline: MD 06 - 19:00

Previously on Starbase Frontier:

"I would concur with that assessment," Nino nodded in agreement.

Tormek scoffed with the cadence of a disapproving mother who'd seen their son lose too many fights but was too preoccupied to punish him that same night. "Yes, we will socialize tonight. But soon...your prowess will be tested," he cautioned the gold-collared woman. "Such is the way of all warriors, large and small."

"I look forward to the challenge," Nino retorted with a sneer.

Amor shook his head and walked away to find his daughter.

And now the continuation...

The doors to the room opened and in walked the young Fletcher family. An annoyed look was pasted across Commander Fletcher's face. They were incredibly late thanks to their son's procrastination. He decided to play games on his PADD instead of getting dressed. Typical... "Now I don't want any funny business," Adam said to his children as the doors closed behind them, "There are bound to be other kids here from what I have been told, just don't break anything and keep calm."

"Yes sir..." the boy responded with a sigh.

Madison nodded simply. She too was annoyed at her brother, he always made them late. "Can I go play with the other kids?" She asked politely.

"Yes, but behave. Both of you. Remember your dad is a senior officer and your behaviour reflects on him." Abi warned them both. "Don't leave this toom either, got that?"

"Yes mummy," Madison replied

"There they go," Adam commented at the two ran off in search of trouble, "I hope this is quick... Too many things to get into in this room."

Abi simply smiled. "Well, they are just kids. Let them tire themselves out that gives us some alone time tonight," she said in a flirting tone as she ran a single finger down his chest. "But first, you should probably go meet your new Captain. Its not like you can miss her."

Kagami made her way over towards the small stage. Usually it would be used for events, however today a small podium had been set up in the center. The purple haired Captain slowly stepped up to the podium and the microphone which sat there waiting.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Kagami started. The room fell silent as everyone's heads turned to look at the captain. "I want to start by introducing myself. I am Captain Kagami Izumi, the new commander of this base." She paused for a few seconds. "As the new commander, I want to assure you that I will do my best to ensure this joint project between Starfleet and the Klingon Defence Force succeeds. As many of you know, this base has yet to be finished. However as of today, we are classed as 'officially in service'." she paused again to take a breath. "The next few weeks will be hard, we are far away from the stars that we know and we are alone out here so to speak. But together we will be stronger and we will find a way to show the rest of the galaxy that we can put aside any differences and overcome any challenge together. I want to welcome you all aboard Starbase Frontier." She looked down at the commander. "I now hand you over to Commander Tormek, who might want to also say a few words..."

The Klingon commander suppressed his surprise when he was suddenly called to address the entirety of the reception chamber. It was not common for a Klingon captain to defer his honorable message to the first officer. But Tormek was not the captain, and his commander was now a Starfleet officer. This challenge would be the first of many in this new diplomatic battleground...not the traditional arena of a warrior, yet one of the 'creole', as the Terrans called it. Tormek himself was not a fundamentalist, and his assignment here on Starbase Frontier was a new opportunity.

Tormek stepped forward next to Captain Izumi. He clenched his fists, the black targ-leather half-gloves creaking as he manipulated his fingers before bringing them to his waist. "I am Commander Tormek, son of B'ceiK of the House of Torn!" he proudly and loudly declared to those assembled. "I am the commander of BuQreH, the Bird of Prey you see docked at this station. Before that, I served as first officer aboard Ro'man, and before that, neHjoH during the Dominion War." His dark brown eyes surveyed the amalgamation of new officers, NCOs and civilians now in front of him. "I have fought the Federation in battle...and the Dominion, Breen and Cardassians!" His combat record spoke for itself, as did the fact that he was still alive. He wore his battle experience proudly across his hardened features.

"But these current times have changed...for my empire and yours. We are again allies, warriors united for a common cause. And now I am your first officer," Tormek explained with emphasis. "I will help our captain," he looked over to the shorter Earth woman next to him then hand-gestured in her direction, "lead us to glorious victory. Not only for ourselves, but our families and their children. For our children's children so they will never question the actions of their ancestors!"

Tormek settled his feet then again looked across his new crop of personnel. "I will be a fair first officer, but firm. I expect each of you to perform your duties every day during every shift," he eemphasized. "You are expected to report to duty on time and execute your duties with no excuses. This is no longer a Starfleet outpost," he glanced back to Izumi, "it is a Klingon and Starfleet outpost. Captain," He turned the formality back to the supreme office in charge.

Kagami nodded in agreement to the Klingon. "Now," she said as she readdressed the room. "Enjoy tonight, mix and mingle with each other. Get to know each other, for we are more than just a crew. We are now a family! Enjoy the rest of the evening!"

Ushio turned to the Nakano sisters.

"I don't fucking know how to play Klingon Opera!" She admitted. "The style of music I'm most comfortable playing is rock and Andorian metal!"

To be continued...


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