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Meet & Greet (Part 4)

Posted on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 9:58am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D. & Hatsune Izumi & Madison Fletcher & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher & Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano & Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Ichika Nakano & Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano & Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano & Lieutenant Miku Uesugi & William Fletcher & Fuutarou Uesugi
Edited on on Fri Aug 4th, 2023 @ 10:00am

1,037 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Stronger Together
Location: Main Crew Lounge
Timeline: MD 06 - 19:00

Previously on Starbase Frontier:

Kagami nodded in agreement to the Klingon. "Now," she said as she readdressed the room. "Enjoy tonight, mix and mingle with each other. Get to know each other, for we are more than just a crew. We are now a family! Enjoy the rest of the evening!"

Ushio turned to the Nakano sisters.

"I don't fucking know how to play Klingon Opera!" She admitted. "The style of music I'm most comfortable playing is rock and Andorian metal!"

And now the continuation...

"Ushio," Ichika began, resting a hand on the Andorian's shoulder. "Remember your second year in the Medical Academy how you had an Ushaan-Tors gig at the Bill Graham, and that was all going on as you and Miku were busy cramming for a midterm?"

"Yes, that was probably a dumb idea." Ushio said. "But we made that shit work, so I'm sure we can make this Klingon Opera thing work."

"That's the spirit," Ichika grinned, playfully ruffling Ushio's hair. "Now you, Miku and Itsuki are going to go out there, and you're gonna have yourselves the single greatest rock concert since Maxx Volüm and Jungle Fury raised the roof at the Royal Albert Fucking Hall!"

After the speeches, Adam walked over to the Captain to introduce himself. "Good evening Captain," he said, "I'm Commander Fletcher, sorry I haven't been able to introduce myself in person until this point." He gave a well practiced professional smile and secretly hoped she wouldn't comment on the dark circles around his eyes.

"Ah yes. Commander Fletcher," Kagami said in response. She seemed to be examining his face, as if curious about his expression. She beckoned for him to walk with her towards the refreshment table. "Let me guess. Children?"

"Yes," the commander responded with a sigh as he followed her, "9 and 6... They're both running around, somewhere, in here... They certainly can be a handful."

Kagami simply smiled. "I know how you feel. My daughter is doing the exact same somewhere in here," she replied. "Although, she's only four and part Betazoid. So, she's more of a handful than most children. Or so I have been told..." she added with a sigh.

"I wouldn't know, mine are certainly smarter than their own good," Adam responded, "My son has a mouth on him, but I shouldn't be surprise."

The Captain simply smiled. "Well Commander, children do have a unique way of lighting up the darkness in our lives. However, I am glad to have an experienced Strat Ops officer aboard.

The Klingon commander had sauntered his way throughout the reception for the past many minutes. Not many of the Starfleet personnel present maintained eye contact with him when he approached, and the Klingon officers and enlisted seemed more preoccupied with bloodwine-feuled tales of glory than formal conversation. Tormek now found himself circling back to his captain and a new Human who she appeared to be speaking with. He was one of the taller ones he'd encountered, with a tanned face, blond hair and blue eyes. "I am Commander Tormek," he declared in his traditional greeting.

The Commander smiled, "A pleasure Commander," he said, "I am Commander Adam Fletcher. I'll be serving as the Strategic Operations Officer for the area and the base's second officer... I look forward to working with you and our other allies from the KDF." He had only rarely worked directly with the KDF, this assignment was novel.

Tormek subtly grinned, bearing his sharp and crooked white teeth before extending his gloved arm for the other man to clasp. "Yess...Federation strategic operations..." the concept rolled off his foreign tongue with private juxtaposition. "You coordinate with Starfleet Command yet also the Klingon Empire. Assuming we have a common goal."

The commander nodded before taking the hand, returning the gesture with a firm grip, "I would hope this station is enough proof that we have a common goal still," he responded in an even tone as he locked eyes with the Klingon.

"Some within my government do not think so," revealed the Klingon with expected bluntness. "It was only a hundred years ago when our people were sworn enemies. This starbase," Tormek gestured with a gloved hand around the large recreational chamber, "is an experiment. One I have been assigned to oversee."

Adam nodded, "This is a massive undertaking, one we all have a part in," he said, "Time will tell if we succeed. More people are hoping we fail. Space is a dangerous place."

The Klingon grinned at the lieutenant commander's declaration. "Yes...dangerous for enemies of the Klingon Empire!" he laughed with a brief yet boisterous outburst. "'There is no failure within victory'. " It was a famous Klingon proverb which seemed to fit the time and place of their combined situation.

Kagami had been listening to the entire conversation. She couldn't help but smile proudly. Maybe this was going to work after all, Klingons and Starfleet finally putting aside their differences and working together on a bigger endeavour. She left Tormek and Fletcher to talk some more and moved to the buffet table. It was about time she grabbed some of the food before it was all gone.

'Well done Kagami, this was actually a good idea after all...' she thought to herself as she stood watching everyone mingle. This was her new crew, it was far from perfect, but the crew of Starbase Frontier were currently a diamond int he rough all they needed was some guidance and a little polish and they would all shine.

Posting by

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer
Starbase Frontier

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Ushio Sh'alkins
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Abigail Halesworth-Fletcher M.D.
Medical Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Commander Adam Fletcher
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Commander Nino Nakano
Chief of Security
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Perlin Amor
Head of Klingon Security
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Ichika Nakano
Shuttlebay Manager
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Yotsuba Nakano
Engineering Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Itsuki Nakano
Tactical Officer
Starbase Frontier

Lieutenant Miku Uesugi
Medical officer
Starbase Frontier

William Fletcher
Starbase Frontier

Hatsune Izumi
Starbase Frontier

Madison Fletcher
Starbase Frontier


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