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A Short Existance (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 2:39am by Captain Kagami Izumi & Lieutenant JG Nico Yazawa & Ensign Eyosa & Commander Tormek & Lieutenant Nash Winters & Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran & Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones' & Lieutenant Ashreth "Ash" Th'Raanin & Lieutenant Perlin Amor & Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire & Lieutenant JG Ki'ana & Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox & Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Edited on on Mon Dec 11th, 2023 @ 2:39am

1,602 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Lockdown
Location: MD02 12:10

Previously on Star Trek Frontier:

[Firax's quarters]

Firax exited his quarters, palatable anger rolling off his body. He struggled mightily to bring it under control as he strode down the corridor towards the nearest turbolift. If someone had been playing a practical joke at his expense, he was not amused. Those in the corridor made due haste to get out of the almost eight foot tall Nausicaan’s way. All that saw him were shocked by the sight of seeing a Nausicaan in a Starfleet Uniform, and that he was a Chief Warrant Officer to boot.

And now the continuation...

[Corridor outside Firax's Quarters]

“Warrant Officer”

A loud voice from in front of the 8 foot tall Nausicaan yelled out as they approached. A Caitian of Blue fur strode up to him with a confident expression and demeanor about her. Though if Rooster were to observe her, she would show traits of Fersean about her too. She wore the standard uniform of a Security Officer, along with the standard body armor and duty belt and holster. A new issue phaser pistol secured in the holster.

“I’m M’Ress Fer'ran, apologies for not being able to get to yall sooner but it’s been a mess from what I’ve seen so far, so I got my work cut out for me.”

She started.

Firax stopped upon hearing Warrant Officer in front of him. It came from a Blue haired Caitain, dressed in the on duty uniform of Starfleet Security. He also noted the lieutenant rank. Rooster's sharp tusk that protruded on either side of his mouth twitched. He began using the logic meditation in his head to calm himself.
Bringing himself upright into the position of attention he replied, " Chief Warrant Officer Firax, Starfleet Security. I was on my way to ops to report in when the, how do the humans say it, a practical joke was played on me. Someone locked down my quarters and had the computer state it was in self-destruct mode."

M’ress parses her lips.

“From what I can gather…that…may not have been a practical joke, Mr. Firax. The stations auto destruct may have been activated and then aborted. I was on my way to Operations myself. I’d would like if we could, for you to bring me up to speed on the security situation here on Frontier as we walk”

Firax chuckled, it sounded more like an earth rooster cawing. "Lieutenant, I have just arrived and settled my quarters with my few belongings, when this happened." Her he tapped his PaDD, "My orders, hence the reason I was heading to ops. May I suggest we go together and investigate the situation?"

M'ress nods


She smiles as she turns to walk down the corridor besides Firax.

"A little about me. I've been in Starfleet 12 years as a combat soldier with the Federation Ground Forces. I've served two tours on the Tzenkethi Front, and in the Archanis Sector. My assignment here is as Chief of Starfleet Security. I'm goin to need the best at my side and from reading your record while I was waiting to get onto the station, you seem like you got a good head on you and know your stuff."

She stops to turn and face him, looking at Rooster in the eyes.

"I'm goin to need a good right hand for the Starfleet Security Contingent. Can I count on you as my Number Two?"

She asks bluntly.

Firax brought himself up to his full 7'9" and looked at Lieutenant Fer'ran "I am Firax of the United Federation of Planets, I serve in Starfleet and have vowed to protect the people of the Federatio with my life and to serve Starfleet with distinction. I will serve you as your number two with loyalty, unless you ask me to violate my oaths to the Federation and Starfleet." After he said his statement their respective combadges chirpped =/\=Tormek to any station personnel. Report!=/\= Firax looked at Lieutenant Fer'ran "Are you going to answer, Sir?"

Upon hearing Captain Izumi order Commander Tormek to secure the base, he looked at Lieutenant Fer'ran "I believe the captain is desiring the station to be secured. What are your orders?"


"Tormek to Iz'mi," the Klingon first officer loudly called out after pressing the Starfleet commbadge pinned to his chest armor. "Tormek to Iz'mi!" he repeated with urgency from within the station's large and expansive primary command chamber. How he was still alive - how all of them had not exploded into flaming debris following the self-destruct countdown, was a most unpleasant mystery he did not wish to be delegated to discover on his own. "Tormek to any station personnel. Report!"

M'ress taps her commbadge.

"This is Fer'ran, Im with Warrant Officer Firax. We're enroute to OPS at this time, Commander."

=A=This is Lieutenant Nishikino,=A= Maki radioed in. =A=Sickbay's in a bit of... disarray at the moment; after that whole debacle, we've been running around like a bunch of Mugatos with horns up our asses trying to get ourselves re-situated. The Captain just beamed in with a compound fracture to her right patella, so right now we're getting ready to operate; she'll be unavailable for the next 10-15 minutes, but I'll be sure to get you in touch with her when she-!=A=

"Izumi to Tormek," Kagami finally replied. "Apologies about that Commander. I managed to get to the infirmary. Secure the Base as I ordered. Also make sure those Tholians don't blow us sky high!"

=A=Captain, I was about to get to that!=A= Maki could be heard fussing.

"Understood!" came the first officer's reply to the captain who was now incapacitated. The station was now his, and he would have to re-establish order and discipline to ensure they survived the coming hours with the Tholian menace still lurking inside and out of the starbase. "Lieutenant Fer'ran and Chief Warrant Officer Firax, increase your pace, immediately. We must prepare for battle with the Tholians if they refuse to accept our terms of negotiations." Then he slapped his commbadge again with a transmission to the entire station. "This is Commander Tormek...I am now in command of the station," he declared in his gruff Klingon voice. "All personnel, arm yourselves and prepare to repel any Tholians remaining on this station. Non-essential personnel, take shelter in your quarters."

[Corridor outside Firax's Quarters]

"Understood Sir!" M'ress replied with curt professionalism, turning to the Warrant Officer besides her.

"You heard him, Mister! We got a station to secure. I want all available security officers to meet at the staging area in the security annex. Have the quartermaster start distributing phaser rifles and armor and map out postings for each detail."

M'ress draws her phaser, setting it to stun with a click before holstering it again.

"Let's be about it then, Mr. Firax"

Firax smiled, he may not be armed but he was a hell of a good hand to hand combatant, and he was ready to defend the station. “Let’s go. Never fought with a Tholian, but I am sure they can be hurt. Also, Lieutenant, you may call me ‘Rooster’ as it seems the humans have given that to me as a nickname.”

[Conference Room]

Vep Ka breathed easier, not allowing her deanor to change from her confidant exterior.

"I told you it was a Computer Glitch and you are in no danger." She spoke confidently. "The Captain will look forward to meeting under better circumstances." She bow formally ass she could in the Skirted uniform type., Then gare at "Rocky' "THat was a makeshift deterrant, you come at me with violent intent One of us will not walk away 'Rocky' and be aware you are not all powerful compareed to me as you think."

"We wish to return to our vessel!"

"I can arrange transport." Vep Ka smiled. "Please remember you promised not to attack us." She bow formally. =^= Transporter room, please place the Tholian Guests from Confernce room to their vessel.=^= She gave a finger wave while the Transporter Chief acknowledged her request.

The shorter Tholian, who had demonstrated itself to be the most agitated of the two, maneuvered in place with several anxious clicks of its armored legs across the deck plating. It screeched with several methodical clicks interrupting the high-pitched audible barrage. "...We will return and...destroy you. Leave our territory at once. You will not be - warned again."

"Enough!" The lead Tholian said. It turned to Vep Ka. "This was not a good meeting!" It said before both of the Tholians disappeared in the haze of the transporter.

"A self destruct scare and three attempts to kill me." Vep Ka MEntioned. "What could be wrong with all that?" Tapping her comm badge. =^= Captain, when do you want the results of the Tholian Incident Master?"

Kagami's voice responded. "Ensure our Tholian guests are safe, then secure your department." Her voice sounded rushed and a little stressed. Which came as no surprise after the events on the base that day.

Posting by:

Captain Kagami Izumi
Commanding Officer

Commander Tormek
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Nash Winters
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant M’ress Fer’ran
Chief of Starfleet Security

Lieutenant Maki Nishikino 'Bones'
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Ashreth "Ash" Th'Raanin
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Perlin Amor
Chief Of Security/Tactical

Lieutenant Vep Ka of the Empire
Imperial Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Ki'ana
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Twyla Fox
Chief of Intelligence

Chief Warrant Officer Firax
Security Officer


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